by Ken Coulson | Jun 30, 2024
This blog has a YouTube version for those that prefer a more visual presentation. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Following on from Part 1, John Walton next believes that Genesis 1 nowhere describes the creation of material objects. The fundamental problem with...
by Ken Coulson | May 30, 2024
(This post exists as a YouTube video as well. Please see the link at the bottom of the page). In John Walton’s book, The Lost World of Genesis 1, Walton claims that the events of Genesis 1 should be understood only in terms of functionality, where God is assigning...
by Ken Coulson | Jan 3, 2024
For those that do not like to read, this post has also been published as a YouTube video! Click link below: I raise this question because some young-age creationists (YAC) have denied this basic geological principle, called the principle of superposition, along with...
by Ken Coulson | Nov 9, 2023
Prefer to watch this post! Then see the YouTube video below. How long does it take for new animal species to “evolve”? According to well-known evolutionary biologist and atheist Stephen J. Gould, it takes anywhere from a few thousand years to several tens of thousands...
by Ken Coulson | Jul 7, 2023
Those that champion the SH hypothesis typically discuss natural evil in terms of natural disasters like, volcanoes, earthquakes, or tsunamis, but rarely in terms of animal suffering, death, and extinction. Theologian Greg Boyd (2001), theologian/philosopher C.S. Lewis...
by Ken Coulson | Apr 17, 2023
The Satan Hypothesis (SH), “is the view that so-called natural evil, the evil suffered by sentient beings that is not caused by human agency, is caused by angelic agency, specifically that of Satan and other fallen angels” (Dunnington 2018, p. 266). Those that...